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The bronze bushings

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bronze bushingMade of bronze bushings are used in assemblies and mechanisms involved in virtually all modern areas of activity: construction, transport, mining and processing industries, maintenance and utilities and so on. Bronze bushings, the properties of the material, capable of providing a long and uninterrupted operation of critical technical units, preventing them from premature wear.

  • the production of bronze bushings for drawings provided customers with a wide variation of length / diameter / chemical composition;
  • assortment of bronze bushings delivery of standard grades and sizes.

We produce and sell bronze alloy bushings of all the most popular brands - Braze, BrOTsS, Brophy, throwing, etc. Boundary options for the products of the pre-machining, are: D = 18-700mm, the weight of casting up to 1.4 tons

Name Mark Size, mm Price, USD Quantity, kg
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 70 * 50 * 300 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 80 * 40 * 300 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 80 * 50 * 300 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 90 * 40 * 400 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 100h59h300 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 120 * 95 * 400 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 130 * 102 * 130 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 140 * 105 * 130 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 155 * 90 * 400 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 160 * 115 * 400 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 170h125h335 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 180 * 120 * 200 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 240h190h270 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 250 * 80 * 300 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 255 * 175 * 155 from 490
bronze bushing BrOTsS 555 300 * 140 * 180 from 490
bronze bushing Braze 04.09 70 * 50 * 100 from 490
bronze bushing Braze 04.09 80 * 50 * 300 from 490
bronze bushing Braze 04.09 110 * 50 * 300 from 490
bronze bushing Braze 04.09 122h58h202 from 490
bronze bushing Braze 04.09 160 * 115 * 200 from 490
bronze bushing Braze 04.09 170h125h335 from 490
bronze bushing Braze 04.09 240h190h270 from 490
bronze bushing Braze 04.09 325h280h310 from 490

Bushing Bronze: benefits of

As you know, the most significant cause of hard wear parts is the frictional force acting on all contact surfaces without exception. Bronze on physical and mechanical properties is softer and more pliable material than iron or steel alloys, respectively, a bronze bushing takes up most of the wear and tear, extending the operational period of the main components of the unit.

At the same time, a fairly high strength bronze figures allow to avoid too frequent replacement bushings. Plus, the stability of the bronzes to corrosive phenomena, high coefficients of thermal and electrical conductivity make these essential items in the nodes of machines and units operating under high loads, or constant in a hostile environment.

The use of bushings of bronze alloys, provides:

  • reducing wear and extending the basic mechanisms of the time of their service;
  • reliability and fail safe operation of vehicles, machinery and equipment;
  • lengthening of time between scheduled servicing, and facilitate ongoing technical operations;
  • improving the overall efficiency of work and savings business.
  • The specialists of "Metal-Included Parts" at any time will be applied for production and / or sale of bronze bushings, and organize its quality and operational performance.


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