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Duralumin plate

Home  / Aluminum, duralumin / Duralumin plate
Steel service company "Metal-kit" is equipped with two settings waterjet cutting, guillotine, circular saws.
Our company can supply billet of aluminum and duralumin boardagreed with the customer on the drawings:
- A square shape;Дюралевая плита торец после резки
- Of rectangular shape;
- Round;
- An arbitrary shape.
The working area of the machine has a universal design for cutting aluminum sheets and aluminum plates the following dimensions:
- Of a thickness of 1 mm to 200 mm;
- A maximum width of 2,200 mm;
- Up to 7000 mm. 
In the short time we will prepare you an offer for waterjet cutting of aluminum rolled products at the best prices.
Name R1 R2 R3 East 
Presence Price Number of
A 2 3 per ton t
duralumin plate D16 12 1200 3000 0.8 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 12 1500 3000 0.81 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 14 1200 3000 0.46 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 14 1500 3000 0.75 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 15 1200 3000 1.46 - + + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 16 1500 3000 0 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 18 1200 3000 1.41 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 20 1200 3000 0.65 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 20 1500 3000 0.8 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 22 1200 3000 1.9 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 25 1200 3000 0.29 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 30 1200 3000 0.02 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 30 1500 3000 0.4 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 35 1200 3000 0.77 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 40 1200 3000 1.33 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 45 1200 3000 0.5 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 50 1500 3000 0.69 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 60 1200 3000 1.32 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 60 1500 3000 0.81 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 90 1200 3000 A - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 100 1200 2000 1.48 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 120 1200 1000 0.46 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16 140 1200 1000 1.08 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16B 14 1200 3000 0.92 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16B 16 1200 3000 0.35 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16B 20 1200 3000 0.44 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16B 30 1200 3000 0.33 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16B 35 1200 3000 0.41 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16B 40 1200 3000 0.87 - - + 227000.0
duralumin plate D16B 50 1200 3000 2.24 - - + 227000.0
D16T duralumin plate 19.5 1200 3000 0.01 - - + 227000.0
D16T duralumin plate 20 1200 3000 0.42 - - + 227000.0 
duralumin plate D16CHT 65 1200 3000 0.72 - - + 227000.0

* The price of duralumin plate is indicated to 0.5 tons., With a greater volume discounts are provided.

Depending on the heat treatment of duralumin brands are following boards:

Duralumin plate D16 - duralumin alloy flat-rolled products, where the figure is 16 per cent talks about his purity.The brand combines ease of machining, fracture toughness and relatively high ductility. Clad duralumin plate marked D16B, and of course antique and tempered - or D16CHT D16T. Due to technical treatment increases the strength of duralumin alloys. However, the reduced mechanical and plastic properties of the material. They have high strength and corrosion resistance.

  The use and characteristics of duralumin plates

Due to its high strength, hardness, and ease of duralumin plates are often used in engineering, aviation and construction. Of them, do street signs, parts for trains,   road signs and many designs. Extend the use of duralumin sheet makes it possible to apply to the surface layer doped with aluminum, which improves the low corrosion resistance. This is especially important for long-term use in the external environment.

Duralumin plate not a final product. It is easy to process, and very popular semi-finished product, which is the raw material for many household utensils. Also, boards are widely used in light and heavy industry, mechanical engineering, materials made ​​from this mechanism parts, engines,   fasteners for aerospace, aviation and other industries.

Duralumin plate - high-strength sheet, made ​​of wrought aluminum alloys, which are doped with magnesium and copper. To employ a method of manufacturing forging, pressing and stamping. According to the accepted standards of duralumin plate thickness 60 mm have length at intervals of   500 mm . If the thickness of the flat rolled over 60 mm , The duralumin plate is not standardized.  

Duralumin plate n and the air almost does not tarnish. Therefore, the   duralumin is often used for the manufacture of road signs. But with all this, it should be noted that a major shortcoming is its low resistance to corrosion, and they need careful protection.


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